Bugs Bugging You? - ITC SHOP NOW

Bugs Bugging You?

Reading Bugs Bugging You? 1 minute Next Fall Camping

Close your eyes and picture this: It’s the end of a great day of camping, the family is gathered around the picnic table outside your trailer, having a great game night – the sun is setting, the stars are popping out, everyone is relaxed – then it happens! Someone flips on the white porch light and the buzz of the night creatures starts! That’s it everyone inside! But wait – Mom to the rescue with a flip of the switch she changes the light to the amber color setting and the creatures head off to the next white light.

What does Mom know? Well, she knows that flying night bugs are not able to see the warmer yellow light spectrum and therefore are not attracted to the amber colored porch lights. People can still see perfectly well and now the games can continue without the buzzing, slapping, or itching. Game Night Saved!

Don't let the bugs ruin your good time!    Shop our Amber LED Porch light today.

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